What is Physics

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 | | 0 Comments »

Physics is all around us. It is in the electric light you turn on in the morning; the car you drive to work; your wristwatch, cell phone, CD player, radio, and that big plasma TV set you got for Christmas. It makes the stars shine every night and the sun shine every day, and it makes a baseball soar into the stands for a home run.
Physics is the science of matter, energy, space, and time. It explains ordinary matter as combinations of a dozen fundamental particles (quarks and leptons), interacting through four fundamental forces. It describes the many forms of energy—such as kinetic energy, electrical energy, and mass—and the way energy can change from one form to another. It describes a malleable space-time and the way objects move through space and time.
There are many fields of physics, for example: mechanics, electricity, heat, sound, light, condensed matter, atomic physics, nuclear physics, and elementary particle physics. Physics is the foundation of all the physical sciences—such as chemistry, material science, and geology—and is important for many other fields of human endeavor: biology, medicine, computing, ice hockey, television…the list goes on and on.
A physicist is not some geek in a long white coat, working on some weird experiment. Physicists look and act like you or me. They work for research laboratories, universities, private companies, and government agencies. They teach, do research, and develop new technologies. They do experiments on mountaintops, in mines, and in earth orbit. They go to movies and play softball. Physicists are good at solving problems—all kinds of problems, from esoteric to mundane. How does a mirror reflect light? What holds an atom together? How fast does a rocket have to go to escape from earth? How can a worldwide team share data in real time? (Solving this last problem led physicists to invent the World Wide Web.)
Mechanics is an important field of physics. Developed by Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century, the laws of mechanics and the law of gravity successfully explained the orbits of the moon around the earth and the planets around the sun. They are valid over a large range of distances: from much less than the height of an apple tree to much more than the distance from the earth to the moon or the sun. Newton’s laws are used to design cars, clocks, airplanes, earth satellites, bridges, buildings—just about everything, it seems, except electronics.
Electricity is another example of physics, one that you may experience as a spark when you touch a doorknob on a dry winter day. The electrical attraction of protons and electrons is the basis for chemistry. Magnetism is another force of nature, familiar to us from refrigerator magnets and compasses. In the 19th century, James Clerk Maxwell combined electricity and magnetism. He showed that light is an electromagnetic wave that travels through empty space. (Waves had always required a medium, for example, water is the medium for ocean waves.) Other electromagnetic waves besides light also travel through empty space; hence radio signals can reach us from a Mars explorer.
Maxwell’s theory also showed that electromagnetic waves travel with the same speed (the speed of light), even if the person who sees it is moving. This is in conflict with Isaac Newton’s principle of relativity, which said a train’s headlight beam would have one speed as seen by the engineer and a different speed as seen by a person watching the train go by. Newton and Maxwell could not both be right about this matter, and in 1905, Albert Einstein resolved the conflict by allowing space and time to change, depending on motion. His special theory of relativity predicted that an object passing by would look shorter and a passing clock would run slower. These changes are too small to notice unless the object is moving very fast—Newton’s laws work just fine at the speeds of ordinary moving objects. But space really does shrink and time really does expand for particles moving at speeds near the speed of light (300,000 kilometers per second).
Another remarkable consequence of special relativity is the famous equation E=mc2, which says that mass is just another form of energy. This equivalence of mass and energy is the source of the energy that comes to earth as sunlight. In the intense heat at the core of the sun, four hydrogen nuclei fuse into one helium nucleus and the mass difference is converted into radiant energy, which emerges as sunlight. E=mc2 is also responsible for the release of energy from fission of uranium in a nuclear reactor, and this energy is used around the world to make large amounts of electric power.
Einstein went on to replace Newton’s theory of gravity with his general theory of relativity, which says that space and time are changed not only by speed, but also by the presence of matter. Imagine space-time as a large sheet of rubber, and set a bowling ball on the sheet; it will be dimpled near the ball. A tennis ball rolled slowly near the bowling ball will curve around it and may settle into an orbit, just as the earth orbits the sun. Today, the general theory of relativity is well-tested and is used to accurately determine the location of your car if you have a GPS (Global Positioning System) device.
Newton’s laws also break down on the tiny distance scales of atoms and molecules, and must be replaced by the theory of quantum mechanics. For example, quantum mechanics describes how electrons can only travel around the nucleus of an atom in orbits with certain specific energies. When an electron jumps from one of these orbits to another, the atom will absorb or emit energy in discrete bundles of electromagnetic radiation. Because the energies of different states of an atom are known with high precision, we can create highly accurate devices such as atomic clocks and lasers.
Quantum mechanics is also necessary to understand how electrons flow through solids. Materials that normally do not conduct electric current can be made to conduct when “doped” with atoms of a particular element. This is how we make transistors, microscopic electrical on-off switches, which are the basis of your cell phone, your iPod, your PC, and all the modern electronics that has transformed our lives and our economy.
There are still profound questions in physics today: what are the mysterious dark matter and energy that make up most of the universe? Are there more than three dimensions of space? The more we learn about physics, the more it will help us every day, and the better we will understand our place in the universe.

Analysing scientific Investigation


A variable is a quantity that can vary in value.

Manipulated variable is a variable that is set or fixed before and experiment is carried out. it is usually plotted on x- axis.

Responding variable is a variable that changes according to and dependent to manipulated variable. it is usually plotted on y-axis.

Fixed variable is fixed and unchanged throughout the experiment.

Inference: state the relationship between two VISIBLE QUANTITIES in a diagram or picture.

Hypothesis: state the relation ship between two MEASURABLE VARIABLES that can be investigated in a lab.

How to tabulate data?

-the name or the symbols of the variables must be labelled with respective units.
-all measurements must be consistent with the sensitivity of the instruments used.
-all the calculated values must be correct.
-all the values must be consistent to the same number of decimal places.

A graph is cosidered well-plotted if it contains the following:
- a title to shoe the two variables and investigation.
- two axes labelled with correct variables and units
- scales must be chosen carefully and graph must occupy more than 50% of the graph paper.
-all the points are correctly drawn.
-the best line is drawn.

Understanding the Physics (and Errors) of the Measurement


Understanding the Physics (and Errors) of the Measurement

Don't let the title put you off, it's pretty basic. The amount of light scattered back to the OTDR for measurement is quite small, about one-millionth of what is in the test pulse, and it is not necessarily constant. This affects the operation and accuracy of OTDR measurements.

Overload Recovery
Since so little of the light comes back to the OTDR for analysis, the OTDR receiver circuit must be very sensitive. That means that big reflections, which may be one percent of the outgoing signal, will saturate the receiver, or overload it. Once saturated, the receiver requires some time to recover, and until it does, the trace is unreliable for measurement as shown in Figure 5.
The most common place you see this as a problem is caused by the connector on the OTDR itself. The reflection causes an overload which can take the equivalent of 50 meters to one kilometre (170 to 3280 feet) to recover fully, depending on the OTDR design, wavelength and magnitude of the reflection. It is usually called the "Dead Zone". For this reason, most OTDR manuals suggest using a "pulse suppressor" cable, which doesn't suppress pulses, but simply gives the OTDR time to recuperate before you start looking at the fibre in the cable plant you want to test. They should be called "launch" cables.

Figure 5. OTDR launch pulse and launch cable
Do not ever use an OTDR without this launch cable! You always want to see the beginning of the cable plant and you cannot do it without a launch cable. It allows the OTDR to settle down properly and gives you a chance to see the condition of the initial connector on the cable plant. It should be long, at least 500 to 1000 meters to be safe, and the connectors on it should be the best possible to reduce reflections. They must also match the connectors being tested, if they use any special polish techniques. Launch cables, supplied in convenient small carrying cases are available from Tech Optics and details can be found by clicking here.

If you are testing short cables with highly reflective connectors, you will likely encounter "ghosts" like in Figure 6. These are caused by the reflected light from the far end connector reflecting back and forth in the fibre until it is attenuated to the noise level. Ghosts are very confusing, as they seem to be real reflective events like connectors, but will not show any loss. If you find a reflective event in the trace at a point where there is not supposed to be any connection, but the connection from the launch cable to the cable under test is highly reflective, look for ghosts at multiples of the length of the launch cable or the first cable you test. You can eliminate ghosts by reducing the reflections, using a trick we will share later.

Figure 6. OTDR "Ghosts"
On very short cables, multiple reflections can really confuse you! We once saw a cable that was tested with an OTDR and deemed bad because it was broken in the middle. In fact it was very short and the ghosted image made it look like a cable with a break in the middle. The tester had not looked at the distance scale or he would have noted the "break" was at 40 metres and the cable was only 40 metres long. The ghost at 80 metres looked like the end of the cable to him!

Backscatter Variability Errors
Another problem that occurs is a function of the backscatter coefficient, a big term which simply means the amount of light from the outgoing test pulse that is scattered back toward the OTDR. The OTDR looks at the returning signal and calculates loss based on the declining amount of light it sees coming back.
Only about one-millionth of the light is scattered back for measurement, and that amount is not a constant. The backscattered light is a function of the attenuation of the fibre and the diameter of the core of the fibre. Higher attenuation fibre has more attenuation because the glass in it scatters more light. If you look at two different fibres connected together in an OTDR and try to measure splice or connector loss, you have a major source of error, the difference in backscattering from each fibre.
To more easily understand this problem, consider Figure 7 showing two fibres connected. If both fibres are identical, such as splicing a broken fibre back together, the backscattering will be the same on both sides of the joint, so the OTDR will measure the actual splice loss.

Figure 7. Loss errors in OTDR measurements
However, if the fibres are different, the backscatter coefficients will cause a different percentage of light to be sent back to the OTDR. If the first fibre has more loss than the one after the connection, the percentage of light from the OTDR test pulse will go down, so the measured loss on the OTDR will include the actual loss plus a loss error caused by the lower backscatter level, making the displayed loss greater than it actually is.
Looking the opposite way, from a low loss fibre to a high loss fibre, we find the backscatter goes up, making the measured loss less than it actually is. In fact, this often shows a "gainer", a major confusion to new OTDR users.
The difference in backscatter can be a major source of error. A difference in attenuation of 0.1 dB per km in the two fibres can lead to a splice loss error of 0.25 dB! While this error source is always present, it can be practically eliminated by taking readings both ways and averaging the measurements, and many OTDRs have this programmed in their measurement routines. This is the only way to test in line splices for loss and get accurate results.
Another common error can come from backscatter changes caused by variations in fibre diameter. A variation in diameter of 1% can cause a 0.1 dB variation in backscatter. This can cause tapered fibres to show higher attenuation in one direction, or we have in the past seen fibre with "waves" in the OTDR trace caused by manufacturing variations in the fibre diameter.

Overcoming Backscatter Errors
One can overcome these variations in backscatter by measuring with the OTDR in both directions and averaging the losses. The errors in each direction cancel out, and the average value is close to the true value of the splice or connector loss. Although this invalidates the main selling point of the OTDR, that it can measure fibre from only one end, you can't change the laws of physics.

Resolution Limitations
The next thing you must understand is OTDR resolution. The OTDR test pulse, Figure 8, has a long length in the fibre, typically 5 to 500 meters long (17 to 1700 feet). It cannot see features in the cable plant closer together than that, since the pulse will be going through both simultaneously. This has always been a problem with LANs or any cable plant with patchcords, as they disappear into the OTDR resolution. Thus two events close together can be measured as a single event, for example a connector that has a high loss stress bend near it will show up on the OTDR as one event with a total loss of both events. While it may lead you to think the connector is bad and try to replace it, the actual problem will remain.
Another place this problem shows up is in splice closures. An OTDR may show a bad splice, but it can actually be a crack or stress point somewhere else in the splice closure.

There is a tool that will help here. It is called a "visual fault locator". It injects a bright red laser light into the fibre to find faults. If there is a high loss, such as a bad splice, connector or tight bend stressing the fibre, the light lost may be visible to the naked eye. This will find events close to the OTDR or close to another event that are not resolvable to the OTDR. It's limitation is distance too, it only works over a range of about 2.5 miles or 4 km.
The visual fault locator is so valuable a tool that many OTDRs now have one built into them. If you are using an OTDR, you must have one to use it effectively.

Special Consideration for Multimode Fibre

Most OTDR measurements are made with singlemode fibre, since most outside plant cable is singlemode. But building and campus cabling are usually multimode fibre using light emitting diode sources for low and medium speed networks. The OTDR has problems with multimode fibre, since it uses a laser source to get the high power necessary to cause high enough backscatter levels to measure.
The laser light is transmitted by multimode fibre only in the centre of the core (Figure 9) because its emission angle is so low. LEDs, however, are transmitted throughout the core of the multimode fibre, due to their wider radiation pattern. As a result of the OTDR light being concentrated in the centre of the fibre, the loss of connectors is lower because the typical connector offset errors are not an effect. And even the fibre has lower loss, because the light in the centre of the core travels a shorter path than the light at the outer edges of the core.

Figure 9. OTDRs only see the middle of the multimode fibre core
Several projects have tried to determine how to correlate OTDR measurements to source and power meter measurements, without success. Our experience is an OTDR will measure 6-7 dB of loss for a multimode cable plant that tests at 10 dB with a source and power meter.

Measuring Fibre, not Cable Distance

And finally, OTDRs measure fibre not cable length. While this may sound obvious, it causes a lot of problems in buried cable. You see, to prevent stress on the fibre, cable manufacturers put about 1% more fibre in the cable than the length of the cable itself, to allow for some "stretch." If you measure with the OTDR at 1000 metres (3300 feet), the actual cable length is about 990 metres (3270 feet). If you are looking for a spot where the rats chewed through your cable, you could be digging 10 metres (33 feet) from the actual location!

Understanding Scalar and Vector Quantities


SCALAR AND VECTOR QUANTITIES Scalars are quantities that have magnitude only; they are independent of direction. Vectors have both magnitude and direction.  The length of a vector represents magnitude.  The arrow shows direction. EO 1.1 DEFINE the following as they relate to vectors: a. Scalar quantity b. Vector quantity Scalar Quantities Most of the physical quantities encountered in physics are either scalar or vector quantities.  A scalar quantity is defined as a quantity that has  magnitude only.  Typical examples of scalar quantities are time, speed, temperature, and volume.  A scalar quantity or parameter has no directional component, only magnitude.  For example, the units for time (minutes, days, hours, etc.) represent an amount of time only and tell nothing of direction.  Additional examples of scalar quantities are density, mass, and energy. Vector Quantities A vector quantity is defined as a quantity that has both magnitude and direction.  To work with vector quantities, one must know the method for representing these quantities. Magnitude,  or  "size"  of  a  vector,  is  also referred to as the vector's "displacement."  It can be thought of as the scalar portion of the vector and is represented by the length of the vector.    By  definition,  a  vector  has    both magnitude and direction.  Direction indicates how  the vector is oriented relative to some reference axis, as shown in Figure 1. Using  north/south  and  east/west  reference axes,   vector   "A"     is   oriented   in the     NE quadrant with a direction of 45  north of the o EW  axis.  G  iving  direction  to  scalar  "A" makes  it  a  vector.    The  length  of  "A"  is representative of its magnitude or displacement

Understanding Derived and Base Quantities


Understanding Derived and Base Quantities

Physical quantities are quantities that can be measured. e.g. Length, Temperature, Speed, Time.

Quantities or qualities that cannot be measured are not physical quantities. e.g. happiness, sadness etc.

Physical quantities can be divided into Base quantitied and Derived quantities.

(i) Physical quantities are quantities that can be measured or can be calculated.
(ii) The base quantities are “building block” quantities from which other quantities are derived from.
(iii) The base quantities and their S.I. units are:

  • Base quantities S.I. units
  • Mass kg
  • Length m
  • Time s
  • Electric current A
  • Thermodynamic
  • temperature K

(iii) Derived quantities are quantities derived (iv) Examples of derived quantities.

  • Derived quantities S.I. units
  • area m2
  • density kg m-3
  • weight N
  • velocity m s-1

Standard Notation: To express very large or very small numbers.
Example; A X 10 n (ten to the power of n), n must be an integer and 1 ≤ A <10

Understanding Physics


Understanding Physics Text

Understanding Physics is built on the foundations of the 6th Edition of Halliday, Resnick, and Walker's Fundamentals of Physics which we often refer to as HRW 6th. The Following Description is Exerpted from the Preface:

Why a Revised Text?

A physics major recently remarked that after struggling through the first half of his junior level mechanics course, he felt that the course was now going much better. What had changed? Did he have a better background in the material they were covering now? "No," he responded. "I started reading the book before every class. That helps me a lot. I wish I had done it in Physics One and Two." Clearly, this student learned something very important. It is something most physics instructors wish they could teach all of their students as soon as possible. Namely, no matter how smart your students are, no matter how well your introductory courses are designed and taught, your students will master more physics if they learn how to read an "understandable" textbook carefully.
We know from surveys that the vast majority of introductory physics students do not read their textbook carefully.We think there are two major reasons why: (1) many students complain that physics textbooks are impossible to understand and too abstract, and (2) students are extremely busy juggling their academic work, jobs, personal obligations, social lives and interests. So, they develop strategies for passing physics without spending time on careful reading.We address both of these reasons by making our revision to the sixth edition of Fundamentals of Physics easier for students to understand and by providing you as an instructor with more Reading Exercises (formerly known as Checkpoints) and additional strategies for encouraging students to read the text carefully. Fortunately, we are attempting to improve a fine textbook whose active author, Jearl Walker, has worked diligently to make each new edition more engaging and understandable.
In the next few sections we provide a summary of how we are building upon HRW 6th and shaping it into this new textbook.

A Narrative That Supports Student Learning

One of our primary goals is to help students make sense of the physics they are learning. We cannot achieve this goal if students see physics as a set of disconnected mathematical equations that each describe only to a small number of specific situations.We stress conceptual and qualitative understanding and continually make connections between mathematical equations and conceptual ideas.We also try to build on ideas that student can be expected to already understand, based on the resources they bring from their everyday experiences.
In Understanding Physics we have tried to tell a story that flows from one chapter to the next. Each chapter begins with an introductory section that discusses why new topics introduced in the chapter are important and explains how the chapter builds on previous chapters and prepares students for those that follow. We place explicit emphasis on basic concepts that recur throughout the book.We use extensive forward and backward referencing to reinforce connections between topics. For example, in the introduction of Chapter 16 on Oscillations we state: "Although your study of simple harmonic motion will enhance your understanding of mechanical systems it is also vital to understanding the topics in electricity, magnetism, and light encountered in Chapters 30-37. Finally, a knowledge of SHM provides a basis for understanding the wave nature of light and how atoms and nuclei absorb and emit energy."

Emphasis on Observation and Experimentation

Observations and concrete, everyday experiences are the starting points for development of mathematical expressions. Experiment-based theory building is a major feature of the book.We build ideas on experience that students either already have or can easily gain through careful observation.
Whenever possible, the physical concepts and theories developed in Understanding Physics grow out of simple observations or experimental data that can be obtained in typical introductory physics laboratories. We want our readers to develop the habit of asking themselves:What do our observations, experiences and data imply about the natural laws of physics? How do we know a given statement is true? Why do we believe we have developed correct models for the world?
Toward this end, the text often starts a chapter by describing everyday observations that students are familiar with. This makes Understanding Physics a text that is both relevant to student's everyday lives and draws on existing student knowledge. We try to follow Arnold Arons' principle "idea first, name after." That is, we make every attempt to begin a discussion by using everyday language to describe common experiences. Only then do we introduce formal physics terminology to represent the concepts being discussed. For example, everyday pushes, pulls, and their impact on the motion of an object are discussed before introducing the term "force" or Newton's second law.We discuss how a balloon shrivels when placed in a cold environment and how a pail of water cools to room temperature before introducing the ideal gas law or the concept of thermal energy transfer.
The "idea first, name after" philosophy helps build patterns of association between concepts students are trying to learn and knowledge they already have. It also helps students reinterpret their experiences in a way that is consistent with physical laws.
Examples and illustrations in Understanding Physics often present data from modern computer based laboratory tools. These tools include computer-assisted data acquisition systems and digital video analysis software.We introduce students to these tools at the end of Chapter 1. Examples of these techniques are shown in Figs. P-1 and P-2 at the right and Fig. P-3 below. Since many instructors use these computer tools in the laboratory or in lecture demonstrations, they are part of the introductory physics experience for more and more of our students. The use of real data has a number of advantages. It connects the text to the students' experience in other parts of the course and it connects the text directly to real world experience. Regardless of whether data acquisition and analysis tools are used in the student's own laboratory, our use of realistic rather that idealized data helps students develop an appreciation of the role that data evaluation and analysis plays in supporting theory.

FIGURE P-1 A video analysis shows that the center of mass of a two-puck system moves at a constant velocity.

FIGURE P-2 Electronic temperature sensors reveal that if equal amounts of hot and cold water mix the final temperature is the average of the initial temperatures.

Using Physics Education Research

In re-writing the text we have taken advantage of two valuable findings of physics education research. One is the identification of concepts that are especially difficult for many students to learn. The other is the identification of active learning strategies to help students develop a more comprehensive understanding of physics concepts.

Addressing Learning Difficulties
Extensive scholarly research exists on the difficulties students have in learning physics.1 We have made a concerted effort to address these difficulties. In Understanding Physics, issues that are known to confuse students are discussed with care. This is true even for topics like the nature of force and its effect on velocity and velocity changes that may seem trivial to professional physicists. We write about subtle, often counter-intuitive topics with carefully chosen language and examples designed to draw out and remediate common alternative student conceptions. For example, we know that students have trouble understanding passive forces such as normal and friction forces.2 How can a rigid table exert a force on a book that rests on it? In Section 6-4 we present an idealized model of a solid that is analogous to an inner spring mattress with the repulsion forces between atoms acting as the springs. In addition, we invite our readers to push on a table with a finger and experience the fact that as they push harder on the table the table pushes harder on them in the opposite direction.

Incorporating Active Learning Opportunities
We designed Understanding Physics to be more interactive and to foster thoughtful reading.We have retained a number of the excellent Checkpoint questions found at the end of HRW 6th chapter sections (which we now call Reading Exercises). We have created many new Reading Exercises that require students to reflect on the material in important chapter sections. For example, just after reading Section 6-2 that introduces the two-dimensional free-body diagram, students encounter Reading Exercise 6-1. This multiple-choice exercise requires students to identify the free-body diagram for a helicopter that experiences three non-collinear forces. The distractors were based on common problems student have with the construction of free-body diagrams. When used in "Just-In-Time Teaching" assignments or for in-class group discussion, this type of reading exercise can help students learn a vital problem solving skill as they read.

FIGURE P-3 A video analysis of human motion reveals that in free fall the center of mass of an extended body moves in a parabolic path under the influence of the Earth's gravitational force.

FIGURE P-4 Compressing an innerspring mattress with a force.The mattress exerts an oppositely directed force, with the same magnitude, back on the finger.

We also created a set of Touchstone Examples. These are carefully chosen sample problems that illustrate key problem solving skills and help students learn how to use physical reasoning and concepts as an essential part of problem solving. We selected some of these touchstone examples from the outstanding collection of sample problems in HRW 6th, and we created some new ones. In order to retain the flow of the narrative portions of each chapter, we have reduced the overall number of sample problems to those necessary to exemplify the application of fundamental principles.Also, we chose touchstone examples that require students to combine conceptual reasoning with mathematical problem solving skills. Few, if any, of our touchstone examples are solvable using simple "plug-and-chug" or algorithmic pattern matching techniques.
Alternative problems have been added to the extensive, classroom tested endof- chapter problem sets selected from HRW 6th. The design of these new problems are based on the authors' knowledge of research on student learning difficulties. Many of these new problems require careful qualitative reasoning, that explicitly connect conceptual understanding to quantitative problem solving. In addition, estimation problems, video analysis problems, and "real life" or "context rich" problems have been included. The organization and style of Understanding Physics has been modified so that it can be easily used with other research based curricular materials that make up what we call The Physics Suite. The Suite and its contents are explained at more length at the end of this preface.

Reorganizing for Coherence and Clarity

For the most part we have retained the organization scheme inherited from HRW 6th. Instructors are used to the general organization and topics that are treated in a typical course sequence in calculus-based introductory physics. In fact, ordering of topics and their division into chapters is the same for 27 of the 38 chapters. The order of some topics has been modified to be more pedagogically coherent. Most of the reorganization was done in Chapters 3 through 10 where we adopted a sequence known as New Mechanics. In addition, we decided to move HRW 6th Chapter 25 on capacitors so it becomes the last chapter on electricity. Capacitors are now introduced in Chapter 28 in Understanding Physics.

The New Mechanics Sequence
HRW 6th and most other introductory textbooks use a similar sequence in the treatment of classical mechanics. It starts with the development of the kinematic equations to describe constantly accelerated motion. Then two-dimensional vectors and the kinematics of projectile motion are treated. This is followed by the treatment of dynamics in which Newton's Laws are presented and used to help students understand both one- and two-dimensional motions. Finally energy, momentum conservation, and rotational motion are treated.
About 12 years ago when Priscilla Laws, Ron Thornton, and David Sokoloff were collaborating on the development of research-based curricular materials, they became concerned about the difficulties students had working with two-dimensional vectors and understanding projectile motion before studying dynamics.
At the same time Arnold Arons was advocating the introduction of the concept of momentum before energy.3 Arons argued that (1) the momentum concept is simpler than the energy concept, in both historical and modern contexts and (2) the study of momentum conservation entails development of the concept of center-of-mass which is needed for a proper development of energy concepts.
In order to address these concerns about the traditional mechanics sequence a small group of physics education researchers and curriculum developers convened in 1992 to discuss the introduction of a new order for mechanics.4 One result of the conference was that Laws, Sokoloff, and Thornton have successfully incorporated a new sequence of topics in the mechanics portions of various curricular materials that are part of the Physics Suite discussed below.5 These materials include Workshop Physics, the RealTime Physics Laboratory Module in Mechanics, and the Interactive Lecture Demonstrations.This sequence is incorporated in this book and has required a signifi- cant reorganization and revisions of HRW 6th Chapters 2 through 10.
The New Mechanics sequence incorporated into Chapters 2 through 10 of understanding physics includes:

  • Chapter 2: One-dimensional kinematics using constant horizontal accelerations and then vertical free fall as applications.

  • Chapter 3: One-dimensional dynamics begins with the application of Newton's laws of motion starts with a consideration of accelerations associated with horizontal applied forces (pushes or pulls) with little friction present. The treatment begins with single forces along a line and then superposition of forces at a vector sum is introduced. Next, in Section 3-9 vertical free fall is treated. Readers consider observations that lead to the postulation of "gravity" as a constant invisible force acting vertically downward.

  • Chapter 4: Two-dimensional vectors, vector displacements, unit vectors and the decomposition of vectors into components are treated.

  • Chapter 5: The study of kinematics and dynamics is extended to two-dimensional motions involving single forces including projectile motion and circular motion.

  • Chapter 6: The study of kinematics and dynamics is extended to two-dimensional motions involving combined forces including contact forces (normal and friction), gravitational forces, and air drag.

  • Chapters 7 & 8: Topics in these chapters deal with impulse and momentum change, momentum conservation, particle systems, center of mass, and the motion of the center-of-mass of an isolated system.

  • Chapters 9 & 10: These chapters introduce kinetic energy, work, potential energy, and energy conservation.
    Just-in-Time Mathematics
    In general, we introduce mathematical topics in a "just-in-time" fashion. For example, we treat one-dimensional vector concepts in Chapter 2 along with the development of one-dimensional velocity and acceleration concepts.We hold the introduction of twoand three-dimensional vectors, vector addition and decomposition until Chapter 4, immediately before students are introduced to two-dimensional motion and forces in Chapters 5 and 6.We do not present vector products until they are needed.We wait to introduce the dot product until Chapter 9 when concept of physical work is presented. Similarly, the cross product is first presented in Chapter 11 in association with the treatment of torque.

    Notation Changes

    Mathematical notation is often confusing, and ambiguity in the meaning of a mathematical symbol can prevent a student from understanding an important relationship. It is also difficult to solve problems when the symbols used to represent different quantities are not distinctive. Some key features of the new notation include:

  • We adhere to recent notation guidelines set by the U.S. National Institute of Standard and Technology Special Publication 811 (SP 811).

  • We try to balance our desire to use familiar notation and our desire to avoid using the same symbol for different variables. For example, p is often used to denote momentum, pressure, and power.We have chosen to use lower case p for momentum and capital P for pressure since both variables appear in the kinetic theory derivation. But we stick with the convention of using capital P for power since it does not commonly appear side by side with pressure in equations.

  • We denote vectors by an arrow instead of bolding so the printed equations look like handwritten equations.

  • We label each vector component with a subscript that explicitly relates it to its coordinate axis.This eliminates the common ambiguity about whether a quantity represents a magnitude which is a scalar or a vector component which is not a scalar.

  • We often use subscripts to spell out the names of objects that are associated with mathematical variables even though instructors and students will tend to use abbreviations and we also represent the fact that one object is exerting a force on another with an arrow in the subscript. For example, the force exerted by a rope on a block would be denoted as

    1 L. C. McDermott and E. F. Redish, "Resource Letter PER-1: Physics Education Research," Am. J. Phys. 67, 755-767 (1999)
    2 John J. Clement, "Expert novice similarities and instruction using analogies," Int. J. Sci. Ed. 20, 1271-1286 (1998)
    3 Private Communication between Arnold Arons and Priscilla Laws by means of a document entitled "Preliminary Notes and Suggestions,"August 19, 1990; and Arnold Arons, Development of Concepts of Physics (Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, 1965)
    4 The New Mechanics Conference was held August 6-7, 1992 at Tufts University. It was attended by Pat Cooney, Dewey Dykstra, David Hammer, David Hestenes, Priscilla Laws, Suzanne Lea, Lillian McDermott, Robert Morse, Hans Pfister, Edward F. Redish, David Sokoloff, and Ronald Thornton.
    5 Laws, P.W. "A New Order for Mechanics" pp. 125-136, Proceedings of the Conference on the Introductory Physics Course, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy New York, May 20-23, Jack Wilson, Ed. 1993 (John Wiley & Sons, New York 1997)

  • Understanding Physics


    Understanding Physics is an introductory book focusing on simple explanations of basic physics concepts. The book is also sprinkled with general articles on engineering. My hope is these engineering articles will help you understand how physics is applied in the real world.
    I currently only have a skeleton of a book completed. The book is unstructured because it is a work in progress. I will be adding bits and pieces as I find time and motivation to write on a topic. With time it will eventually come together into a complete book.
    My thinking is to test the waters by putting the bait out and see if the fish bite. My motivation to complete more chapters depends mostly on the feedback I receive from you. Email me your suggestions on which topics trouble you the most in Physics.

    Power, Energy and Efficiency



    1. Everyday we move or certain object to do work.
    2. work is done when a force is exerted to move an object through a distance in the direction of the force.
    3. Work W is defined as product of the force and the displacement of an object in the direction of the force.

    F= the force acting
    S= the displacement (or distance traveled in the direction of the force)

    4 .Work is a scalar quantity and its unit is joule (J) or N m. 1 joule =1nm
      A block which is at rest is acted on by force of magnitude 3 N in different direction. Determine the wok done by the block in each case.
      a) The force act from the left, the object move to the right for 2 m.
      b) The force act from the right, the object to the left for 2 m.


    a) F=3 N b) F= -3 N
    moving to the right for 2 m moving to the left for2 m (negative
    Work done,W= Fs sign indicates object move to the left)
      =3 N x (-2 m) Work done W = Fs
      =6 Nm = -3 N x (-2m)
      =6 Nm

    5 .1 joule is the work done when a force of 1newton moves of an object for 1 m in the direction of the force .
    6 .Work is not done when a force is exerted on an object but the object does not move.
    7 .In short, work is not done :

    a) The direction of motion is perpendicular to the direction of the force exerted
    b) Force is exerted on the object but the object does not move.


    1. We need energy to do work.
    2. Energy is defined as the Potential or the ability to do work.
    3. Energy is scalar quantity and its unit is the joule (J) or N m.
    4. Energy can exist in various form. Examples potential energy, kinetic energy, heat energy, electrical energy and sound energy.
    5. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. The work done related to the change of the form of the energy.
      A student of mass 50 kg walks up a flight of stairs 1.5 m high. What is…

    a) the work done by the student?
    Work = Fx s
      =mg x s
      =(50 x 10) N x 1.5 m
      =750 J
    b) energy needed = work done
      =750 J

    Work and Energy



    refers to an activity involving a force and movement in the directon of the force. A force of 20 newtons pushing an object 5 meters in the direction of the force does 100 joules of work.


    is the capacity for doing work. You must have energy to accomplish work - it is like the "currency" for performing work. To do 100 joules of work, you must expend 100 joules of energy.


    is the rate of doing work or the rate of using energy, which are numerically the same. If you do 100 joules of work in one second (using 100 joules of energy), the power is 100 watts.

    Work-Energy Principle

    The change in the kinetic energy of an object is equal to the net work done on the object.

    This fact is referred to as the Work-Energy Principle and is often a very useful tool in mechanics problem solving. It is derivable from conservation of energy and the application of the relationships for work and energy, so it is not independent of the conservation laws. It is in fact a specific application of conservation of energy. However, there are so many mechanical problems which are solved efficiently by applying this principle that it merits separate attention as a working principle.
    For a straight-line collision, the net work done is equal to the average force of impact times the distance traveled during the impact.

    Average impact force x distance traveled = change in kinetic energy

    If a moving object is stopped by a collision, extending the stopping distance will reduce the average impact force.







    Work-energy principle for angular quantities

    The rate of doing work is equal to the rate of using energy since the a force transfers one unit of energy when it does one unit of work. A horsepower is equal to 550 ft

    Understanding Elasticity


    Understanding Elasticity

    Elasticity is the ability of a material to return to its original shape and size when the external force acting on it is removed.

    It is due to the strong intermolecular forces between the molecules of the solid.
    (you have to be able to explain elasticity in terms of intermolecular forces)

    Hooke’s Law States that the extension of a spring is directly proportional to the applied force provided that the elastic limit is not exceeded.

    Elastic limit of a spring is the maximum force that can be applied to a spring such that the spring will be able to be restored to its original length when the force is removed.

    If the elastic limit is exceeded, the length of the spring is longer than the original length even though the force no longer acts on it. It is said to have permanent extension.

    Hooke's law Graph
    Force Vs Extension

    k = force constant of the spring (equal of the gradient of the graph)
    x = extension
    Force constant is the force that is required to produce one unit of extension of the spring.It is the measure of the stiffness of the spring.

    The curve at the end occurs represents the moment before the material breaks.

    Factors influencing the elasticity of a spring:
    a. Type of spring material
    b. diameter of the coil of spring
    c. diameter of the wire of spring
    d. arrangement of the spring.

    Point 1 is the Limit of Proportionality. Point 2 is the Elastic Limit. Point 3 is the Yield Point.

    Before the limit of proportionality, the material obeys Hooke’s Law. After it, Force is no longer proportional to extension, and the graph begins to curve.

    The Elastic Limit is the point when a material stops behaving elastically, and starts behaving plastically. The area before this point is called the elastic region; after it, the plastic region.

    The Yield Point is the point where the material starts to stretch without applying any additional force.

    Elastic Potential Energy, U

    Elastic potential energy is the energy transferred to the spring when work is done on the spring.

    k = force constant
    x = spring extension

    Source: http://stuffaboutphysics.wordpress.com/2009/01/11/forceextension-graphs/

    Equilibrium and Statics


    Impulse and Impulsive force


    Impulse and impulsive Force
    1. Impulse is defined as the change momentum
    2. From F=ma
      Ft=mv-mu (change of momentum)
    3. Impulse is the product of the force F acting on a body and the time t for which the force acts.
    Hence, impulse = Ft = mv – mu
    4. The SI unit of impulse is kg m s⁻1 or N s.
    5. Impulsive force is the rate of change of momentum.
      Impulsive force = Impulse / time
    6. The SI unit of impulse is kg m s⁻² or N.
    The Effect of Time on an impulsive Force
    1. From the formula for impulsive force, we get
    Ft = mv – mu
    F =  (mv - mu) / t
    This shows that the time of action is very important factor in the calculation of the impulsive force.
    2.When the time of action is prolonged, the impulsive force will decrease.
    3. On the other hand, if the time of action is shortened, the impulsive force will increase.

    Ways to Reduce Impulsive Forces
    The Design of a car
    1. A car is mainly designed for the safety of the driver.
    2. The front and the rear parts of the car are made of soft metal so that the car is easily crumpled during an accident.
    a) During collision, the time taken for the change in speed (from a high speed to zero) is prolonged. Since the impulsive force
    = Distance / Time , the force will decrease when the time increase.
    b) This will decrease the impulsive force on the passengers and the driver.
    3. The seats of the passengers are strengthened to protect the passengers.
    4. Safety belts:
    a) Passengers have to fasten the safety belts. When the car stops suddenly, the inertia of the passengers will result in the passengers being flung to the front and hitting the windscreen of the car.
    b) Hence, safety belts will slow down the motion of the passengers.
    5. Airbags are built in some cars. When an accident happens, the airbags will be filled with air. This will prolong the time of action and reduce the impulsive force on the passenger.

    Ways to utilize impulsive force

    Material arts player break a few pieces of bricks
    - A martial arts player ia able to break a pile of bricks with ease.
    - This is because the hand of the player moves very fast and stops when it hits the top brick.
    - Hence, the time of contact of the hand with the brick is short and this will increase the impulsive force on the bricks.
    - The bricks are easily broken because of the big impulsive force.
    The pestle and mortar
    - The pestle and mortar are made of hard materials.
    - During pounding or grinding, the pestle moves very fast. The mortar stops the motion of the pestle in a short time.
    - A strong impulsive force is produced and the food can be broken into pieces easily.
    The pile and the pile driver
    - A pile driver is made of hard steel alloy.
    - The pile driver is released very fast hit the hard pile.
    - The time taken to hit the pile is short because both surfaces are hard.
    - Hence, a big impulsive force is produced on the pile and it will be driven into the ground to support the foundation of the structure of a tall building.

    Analysing Momentum II


    Conservation of Momentum

    1. The term conservation is derived from the root word “conserve” which means constant.
    2. The principle of conservation of momentum states that in the absence of an external force, the total momentum of a system remains unchanged.
    3. An example of external force is friction and this can be contact friction or air friction.
    4. An isolated or closed system the sum of external forces is zero, thus, the principle of conservation of momentum is true for a closed system.


    1. There are two types of collision:
    (a) Elastic collision
    (b) Inelastic collisions

    2. In Elastic collision: Two objects collide and move apart again after a collision. Momentum is conserved. Total energy is conserved. Kinetic energy is conserved.
    Formula: m1u1+m2u2 = m1v1+m2v2

    Elastic Collision

    3. In Inelastic collision: Two objects combine and stop or move together with a same velocity after a collision. Momentum is conserved. Total energy is conserved. Kinetic energy is not conserved (the total kinetic energy after the collision is less than the total kinetic energy before collision, excess energy is released as heat, sound energy etc).
    Formula: m1u1+m2u2 = (m1+m2)v

    Inelastic Collision

    Analysing Momentum


    Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

    the momentum of Car R is

    the momentum of Car S is

    (1200kg)(-10m/s)=-12,000Ns (but in the opposite direction of R so we will call this direction negative)

    take the sum of the two momenta to get 8,000Ns

    the new momentum is 8,000Ns and the mass of the system is 2200kg. so plug this into the momentum equation




    Understanding Inertia


    Understanding inertia

    by Krishnamurti
    We have lived for so long, for so many generations, for so many thousands of years; yet we have not found the energy which will transform our ways of living, our ways of thinking, feeling. And I would, if I may, like to go into this question, because, it seems to me, that is what we need - a different kind of energy, a passion which is not mere stimulation, which does not depend on, which is not put together by, thought. And to come upon this energy, we have to understand inertia - understand not how to come by this energy, but understand the inertia which is so latent in all of us. I mean by inertia `without the inherent power to act' - inherent in itself. There is, as one observes, within oneself a whole area of deep inertia. I do not mean indolence, laziness, which is quite a different thing. You can be physically lazy, but you may not be inert. You may be tired, lazy, unwilling - that is entirely different. You can whip yourself into action, force yourself not to be lazy, not to be indolent. You can discipline yourself to get up early, to do certain things regularly, to follow certain practices and so on. But that is not what we are talking about. - Madras 5th Public Talk 5th January 1966

    Newtons Three Laws of Motion

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    Let us begin our explanation of how Newton changed our understanding of the Universe by enumerating his Three Laws of Motion.

    Newton's First Law of Motion:

    I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.
    This we recognize as essentially Galileo's concept of inertia, and this is often termed simply the "Law of Inertia".

    Newton's Second Law of Motion:

    II. The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.
    This is the most powerful of Newton's three Laws, because it allows quantitative calculations of dynamics: how do velocities change when forces are applied. Notice the fundamental difference between Newton's 2nd Law and the dynamics of Aristotle: according to Newton, a force causes only a change in velocity (an acceleration); it does not maintain the velocity as Aristotle held.
    This is sometimes summarized by saying that under Newton, F = ma, but under Aristotle F = mv, where v is the velocity. Thus, according to Aristotle there is only a velocity if there is a force, but according to Newton an object with a certain velocity maintains that velocity unless a force acts on it to cause an acceleration (that is, a change in the velocity). As we have noted earlier in conjunction with the discussion of Galileo, Aristotle's view seems to be more in accord with common sense, but that is because of a failure to appreciate the role played by frictional forces. Once account is taken of all forces acting in a given situation it is the dynamics of Galileo and Newton, not of Aristotle, that are found to be in accord with the observations.

    Newton's Third Law of Motion:

    III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
    This law is exemplified by what happens if we step off a boat onto the bank of a lake: as we move in the direction of the shore, the boat tends to move in the opposite direction (leaving us facedown in the water, if we aren't careful!).

    Distance, Displacement, Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration Review?


    Distance, Displacement, Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration Review?

    4. Leaving home, Mr. L walks 4 miles, West, past the hospital to his office in 45 minutes. Feeling short of breath, he walks back East 1 mile in 15 minutes to the hospital for a check-up.


    What was his average velocity for the entire trip?

    4 miles/hour
    54 miles/hour, West\
    3 miles/hour, West
    \0.05 miles/minute, West
    33 miles/hour
    5 miles/hour, West
    1 mile/hour, East
    5 miles/hour
    1 mile/hour

    5. Sometimes the numerical part of an acceleration is given as a negative number. How is a negative acceleration different from a positive acceleration?

    6. Is the object accelerating in the following example? Choose yes or no and an explanation.


    A motorcycle speeds up from rest.

    yes, decrease in velocity
    change in direction
    increase in velocity
    no, no change in direction or velocity
    decrease in velocity
    yes, increase in velocity
    yes, change in direction

    7. Is the object accelerating in the following example? Choose yes or no and an explanation.


    A car slows to a stop for a red light.

    yes, decrease in velocity
    change in direction
    increase in velocity
    no, no change in direction or velocity
    decrease in velocity
    yes, increase in velocity
    yes, change in direction

    8. Is the object accelerating in the following example? Choose yes or no and an explanation.


    A boat cruises in a straight line at 30 knots.

    yes, decrease in velocity
    change in direction
    increase in velocity
    no, no change in direction or velocity
    decrease in velocity
    yes, increase in velocity
    yes, change in direction

    9. Is the object accelerating in the following example? Choose yes or no and an explanation.


    A boat, still traveling at 30 knots, turns around and heads back.

    yes, decrease in velocity
    change in direction
    increase in velocity
    no, no change in direction or velocity
    decrease in velocity
    yes, increase in velocity
    yes, change in direction

    10. A descendant of Galileo drops a bowling ball, baseball, and crow's wing feather from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

    Tell which of the objects hits first, second, and third.

    Explain your answer.

    11. A car is traveling along at 50 mph, according to the speedometer. Thelma is driving and Louise is in the passenger's seat.


    What is Louise's speed from Thelma's point of view (frame of reference)?

    50 miles/hour
    not enough information to tell
    over 100 miles/hour
    0 miles/hour
    100 miles/hour
    between 0 miles/hour and 50 miles/hour
    between 50 miles/hour and 100 miles/hour

    12. Explain your answer to question #11.

    13. A car is traveling along at 50 mph, according to the speedometer. Thelma is driving and Louise is in the passenger's seat.


    Wayne is standing at the curb as the car passes him. What is Louise's speed from Wayne's frame of reference?

    not enough information to tell
    between 50 mph and 100 mph
    100 mph
    50 mph
    between 0 mph and 50 mph
    over 100 mph
    0 mph

    14. Explain your answer to #13.

    15. A car is traveling along at 50 mph, according to the speedometer. Thelma is driving and Louise is in the passenger's seat.


    A police helicopter is hovering directly over the car as it moves along. What is Louise's speed from the pilot's frame of reference?

    over 100 mph
    between 0 mph and 50 mph
    not enough information to tell
    50 mph100 mph
    between 50 mph and 100 mph
    0 mph

    16. Explain your answer in #15.
    I know its alot I know i should do this myself Ireally need help badly my mom or myself cannot get the answers HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM BEGGING YOU PLEASE

    Analysing Linear Motion


    This lab measures the linear motion of a cart on an air track with a motion sensor. In the first experiment the air track was level. Two data plots were taken of this motion and stored in the Logger Pro program for analysis using the supplied data table. The track was tilted in the second experiment. Three data plots were taken of the motion and stored in Logger Pro. Some of the graphs created by the data in Logger Pro will appear later in this analysis.
    Analysis of the motion along the air track helps the beginning physics student understand motion in both the horizontal and vertical direction. Slanting the air track at a slight angle allows for the easy calculation of the cart acceleration and allows the student to see how the acceleration affects the cart along the horizontal plane. This lab reinforces the use of derivatives and integration to understand the relationship between distance, velocity and acceleration.
    The first part of the experiment required the cart to be accelerated along the air track by hand while the sensor collected the data in the Logger Pro program. Two experiments were done with the data collected and saved in the program. The second part of the experiment required the track to be tilted and three experiments done with the data saved in the Logger Pro program. The data was analyzed according to the instructions and put in the data table which appears at the end of this report. During the analysis fourteen questions were asked while compiling the data for the table. The answers to these questions are the basis for the results of this analysis.

    Part I
    A: Distance vs. Time
    Distance vs. Time Graph

    3. What does the slope of the distance vs. time represent?
    The equation D(t) = 0.260t + 0.084 (y = mx +b), the slope, m, is the first derivative of the equation with respect to time and equals the velocity over that time period. This represents the velocity of the cart as it slides horizontally over the air track toward the end for the time period of 1.2 seconds.

    5. Evaluate the derivative at tmax. What does this value represent?
    This value represents the velocity of the cart at 1.2 seconds.

    Part I
    B: Velocity vs time
    Velocity vs. Time

    6. Record the average value of the velocity in the data table. Does this value look familiar?
    Yes! The mean value is the same average velocity derived from part one using the slope of the distance vs. time curve.
    7. Find the area under the velocity vs. time curve. What does this represent? Is it a reasonable value?
    A. When you integrate (v dt) it gives the distance value back. As shown in the distance vs time data table the distance traveled by the cart was 0.314 m. The integral given in the velocity vs. time chart indicates 0.313 m. The difference is most likely from the program rounding in different graphs and tables.
    B. Yes. This represents the distance traveled over the 1.2 seconds the integral was evaluated at that average velocity.

    8. Write down the equation for the cart (v(t) = -0.066 t2/2 + 0.400t). Evaluate at tmax. What does this value represent? Is it a reasonable value?

    A. This value 0.384 m represents the total distance traveled by the cart from time t=0.
    B. Yes

    Part II
    A: Distance vs time
    Distance vs. Time Quadratic Graph

    3. Take the first derivative of D(t). What is the physical significance of the derivative? (d (D(t))/dt 0.853 - 0.858t + 0.358 t2 = 0 - 0.858 + [ (2)(0.358t)].
    t = .75 s
    This derivative gives the velocity of the cart as it slides down the air track. Note that the velocity is negative (-0.321 m/s) indicating the cart is sliding down the track.

    4. Take the second derivative of D(t). What is the physical significance of the derivative? d2D(t)/dt2 = 0 + 0 + (2 x 0.358) = 0.716 m/s2.
    This is the acceleration over t = 0.75 s.
    Part II
    B: Velocity vs time
    Velocity vs. Time

    8. Take the first derivative of the equation V(t). What does this derivative represent?
    a. This derivative represents the acceleration of the cart as it slides down the air track.
    b. Yes, although it seems to be slightly low at 0.77 m/s2 for a six degree angle.

    9. Find the area under the curve. What does this value represent? Is it reasonable?
    a. The integral of the velocity equation returns the distance traveled by the cart or 0.599 m.
    b. Yes-This is the distance traveled over the 0.75 seconds along the track.

    10. Integrating the equation and evaluating at tmax returns the total distance down the track that the cart has traveled.
    Part II
    C: Acceleration vs time
    Acceleration vs. Time Analysis

    12. Find the area under the curve by analyze integrate. What is the physical significance of this value? Is the value reasonable?
    a. The integration of the acceleration returns the velocity of the cart over the selected time span of 0.75 seconds.
    b. Yes.

    13. This integral returns the velocity of the cart at tmax.

    14. This integral returns the distance of the cart at tmax.

    Part III
    3. Integrating the values gives the area under the acceleration curve which equates to the distance traveled for the cart over a set time period.

    Part IV-Results
    Agreement between theoretical and experimental values:
    In this experiment the sin of was given as 0.10452 or six degrees. The acceleration values for this angle should approach approximately 1 m/s2, but only reach values between 0.827 to 0.835 m/s2. These values are off by approximately 18%, leading me to believe that the person responsible for measuring the angle did not accurately measure it. The angle was given as ± one degree. At minus one degree the angle does approach the values given by analysis of the graphs. This certainly would account for the uncertainty of the theoretical value.
    Other areas of decreasing acceleration values could be some slight air resistance by the sail attached to the cart, although it is expected that value would be minimal over the short distance traveled by the cart. There was a lot of trouble getting the sensor to work properly in these experiments. This will surely induce error into the values derived by the sensor data and the motion recorded by the sensor.
    Overall the experimental values given by the sensor and Logger Pro graph analysis are consistent with the expected distance, velocity and accelerations values.

    Bernoulli's Principle Applied to Fluid Flow in Tubes


    Bernoulli's principle, sometimes known as Bernoulli's equation, holds that for fluids in an ideal state, pressure and density are inversely related: in other words, a slow-moving fluid exerts more pressure than a fast-moving fluid. Since "fluid" in this context applies equally to liquids and gases, the principle has as many applications with regard to airflow as to the flow of liquids. One of the most dramatic everyday examples of Bernoulli's principle can be found in the airplane, which stays aloft due to pressure differences on the surface of its wing; but the truth of the principle is also illustrated in something as mundane as a shower curtain that billows inward.
    The Swiss mathematician and physicist Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) discovered the principle that bears his name while conducting experiments concerning an even more fundamental concept: the conservation of energy. This is a law of physics that holds that a system isolated from all outside factors maintains the same total amount of energy, though energy transformations from one form to another take place.
    For instance, if you were standing at the top of a building holding a baseball over the side, the ball would have a certain quantity of potential energy—the energy that an object possesses by virtue of its position. Once the ball is dropped, it immediately begins losing potential energy and gaining kinetic energy—the energy that an object possesses by virtue of its motion. Since the total energy must remain constant, potential and kinetic energy have an inverse relationship: as the value of one variable decreases, that of the other increases in exact proportion.
    The ball cannot keep falling forever, losing potential energy and gaining kinetic energy. In fact, it can never gain an amount of kinetic energy greater than the potential energy it possessed in the first place. At the moment before the ball hits the ground, its kinetic energy is equal to the potential energy it possessed at the top of the building. Correspondingly, its potential energy is zero—the same amount of kinetic energy it possessed before it was dropped.
    Then, as the ball hits the ground, the energy is dispersed. Most of it goes into the ground, and depending on the rigidity of the ball and the ground, this energy may cause the ball to bounce. Some of the energy may appear in the form of sound, produced as the ball hits bottom, and some will manifest as heat. The total energy, however, will not be lost: it will simply have changed form.
    Bernoulli was one of the first scientists to propose what is known as the kinetic theory of gases: that gas, like all matter, is composed of tiny molecules in constant motion. In the 1730s, he conducted experiments in the conservation of energy using liquids, observing how water flows through pipes of varying diameter. In a segment of pipe with a relatively large diameter, he observed, water flowed slowly, but as it entered a segment of smaller diameter, its speed increased.
    It was clear that some force had to be acting on the water to increase its speed. Earlier, Robert Boyle (1627-1691) had demonstrated that pressure and volume have an inverse relationship, and Bernoulli seems to have applied Boyle's findings to the present situation. Clearly the volume of water flowing through the narrower pipe at any given moment was less than that flowing through the wider one. This suggested, according to Boyle's law, that the pressure in the wider pipe must be greater.
    As fluid moves from a wider pipe to a narrower one, the volume of that fluid that moves a given distance in a given time period does not change. But since the width of the narrower pipe is smaller, the fluid must move faster in order to achieve that result. One way to illustrate this is to observe the behavior of a river: in a wide, unconstricted region, it flows slowly, but if its flow is narrowed by canyon walls (for instance), then it speeds up dramatically.
    The above is a result of the fact that water is a fluid, and having the characteristics of a fluid, it adjusts its shape to fit that of its container or other solid objects it encounters on its path. Since the volume passing through a given length of pipe during a given period of time will be the same, there must be a decrease in pressure. Hence Bernoulli's conclusion: the slower the rate of flow, the higher the pressure, and the faster the rate of flow, the lower the pressure.
    Bernoulli published the results of his work in Hydrodynamica (1738), but did not present his ideas or their implications clearly. Later, his friend the German mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) generalized his findings in the statement known today as Bernoulli's principle.

    Read more: http://www.scienceclarified.com/everyday/Real-Life-Chemistry-Vol-3-Physics-Vol-1/Bernoulli-s-Principle.html#ixzz18Cxh5dIT

    Understanding Bernoulli's Principle


    The relationship between the velocity and pressure exerted by a moving liquid is described by the Bernoulli's principle: as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure exerted by that fluid decreases.

    Airplanes get a part of their lift by taking advantage of Bernoulli's principle. Race cars employ Bernoulli's principle to keep their rear wheels on the ground while traveling at high speeds.

    The Continuity Equation relates the speed of a fluid moving through a pipe to the cross sectional area of the pipe. It says that as a radius of the pipe decreases the speed of fluid flow must increase and visa-versa. This interactive tool lets you explore this principle of fluids. You can change the diameter of the red section of the pipe by dragging the top red edge up or down.

    Brownian motion - it is heat motion of smallest particles, weighted in liquid or gas. It was discovered by English botanist Brown (1827) and appeared as a proof of chaotic molecular motion. Brownian particles move under the influence of collisions of molecules. Because of chaotic heat motion of molecules these collisions never equalize each other. As a result the velocity of a Brownian particle constantly changes in size and direction, and its trajectory represents a complicated zigzag. Molecular-kinetic theory of Brownian motion was developed by A. Einstein (1905).

    The main point of the theory is that square of displacement r2 of Brownian particle from initial position, averaged by many Brownian particles, changes proportionally to time (diffusion law): r2 = D * T. Coefficient of diffusion D is proportional to the absolute temperature T. Einstein's theory was experimentally proven in experiments of French physicist G. Perrene (1908).

    Application of Archimedes' Principle


    Archimedes Principle

    Take a spring balance, a piece of stone, a measuring cylinder and water. Measure the weight of stone in air by tying the string around in a loop, and hanging it from the spring balance. Take water in a measuring cylinder and note its volume level. Then dip the stone in the water while it is still hanging from the spring balance. You will see that the stone is weighing less!! If you see the water level now, you will see it has risen. Now from the volume of the water displaced, calculate the weight of water from the following equation for density :   
                                                 Mass of water (in gm)
    Density of water         =    
                                            Volume of water (in cubic cm)   
    Density of water is 1 gm/cm3. You will see that the mass of water displaced is exactly equal to the reduction in weight of the stone in water.

    Archimedes was the first person to understand this phenomenon more than about 2,200 years ago  and hence the phenomenon is named after him. Click here for an interesting anecdote on Archimedes. 
    Archimedes’ Principle states that a body immersed in a liquid, wholly or partly, loses its weight. The loss of weight is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the body.    
    2. Theoretical proof of Archimedes’ Principle   
    Consider the figure alongside, here a square piece of iron is immersed in liquid. The piece of iron is experiencing forces from all sides and they are:
    • The down ward force due to its weight = W
    • Downward force acting on the upper surface of the iron piece, due to water pressing on it = F1  
    • Upward force due to the tension of the string = T
    • Upward force acting on the lower surface of the iron piece due to water pressing on it = F2  
    • Horizontal forces acting on the other surfaces due to water pressure = H

    Since the piece of iron is stationary and is not moving either up or down or side ways, we can safely say that
    H=0 and  
    Total upward force = Total Downward force 
    T+ F2  = W + F1
    Pressure is defined as force per unit area. 
    F1 = P1 (on the upper surface of the iron piece)  x area  
    F2 = P2 (on the lower surface of the iron piece )  x area.
    Pressure at a point inside a liquid is proportional to the height at which the point is from the surface, multiplied by the density of the liquid () and the gravitational force.  In the above figure the pressure at the top surface of the iron piece is h1 g and at the bottom surface is h2 g.
    Therefore F1 = (h1 g) x area    and    F2 = (h2 g) x area 
    W - T  =   ( g ) x volume of the iron piece 
    W - T  =  loss of the weight of the iron piece when immersed in liquid. 
    ( g ) x volume of the iron piece = ( g)  x  volume of the liquid displaced by the iron piece 
                                                    = g x V = (mass of liquid displaced) x g
                                                    =  weight of liquid displaced by the body 
    Hence we can conclude that the loss of weight of a body in a liquid is equal to the weight of the liquid displace by the body. 
    The Archimedes principle holds good for irregular as well as regular bodies and any liquids. 
    The upward force experienced by the immersed body is also known as upthrust or buoyancy

    3. Application of Archimedes’ Principle to determine densities of liquids 

    Density of a substance is given as the mass per unit volume. Quite often, it is easier to quote the relative density of the substance with respect to the density of water. Hence the relative density (R.D.) of a substance is defined as the ratio of the density of the substance with respect to that of water.
                  Density of substance
    R.D = 

    Density of water
    Density of water is 1 gm/cm3. (Density  changes with temperature; density of water is 1 gm/cm3 at 4oC. It is taken as the same at all  temperatures unless the temperatures are close to 0oC or 100oC , where water changes to ice or steam respectively)    
    To determine the density of an unknown liquid by Archimedes’ method, please do the following :
    • Weigh a given object in air = W1
    • Weigh the same object in water = W2
    • Weigh the same object in the unknown liquid = W3
    When astronauts go out in space, they feel weightlessness. To practice their work on earth weightless conditions are simulated by making the astronauts work under water in immensely large water tanks. Larger the depth, more weightless the astronauts feel.
                        Weight of the displaced liquid              Volume of water displaced
    R. D =              X     
                        Volume of the displaced liquid             Weight of the water displaced
    Since the volume displaced by the object in both liquid and water is same, they get cancelled out from the above equation.  
                           (W1  - W3 )      
    R.D.  =       
      (W1  - W2 ) 


    In this chapter we have seen what Archimedes’ Principle is. The principle has wide applications in our everyday lives. We have also seen how relative densities of liquids can be determined from Archimedes’ Principle.

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