Heat Capacity

Understanding Specific Heat Capacity

Heat Capacity

1. The heat capacity,C , of a substance is the heat which is required to increase the temperature of the substance by 1°C.
2. The unit for heat capacity is J°C-1.
3. Fore example, the heat capacity for 100 g of water is 420 J° C-1. This means that 420J of heat energy is required to raise the temperature of 100 g water by 1°C. To increase temperature by 2°C, 840J are needed and so on.
4. Different substance, materials or body has different specific heat capacity.
5. If a body absorbs a lot of heat but there is only a slight increase in temperature, then the body is said to have a large heat capacity.
6. On the other hand, if a body absorbs a little amount of heat but indicates a high temperature rise, then the body is said to posses a small heat capacity.
7. The relationship between heat capacity,C and specific heat capacity, c is shown by the following equation.

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